0086-10-62665166     Stock Code:300472

barcode poka-yoke and tracking system

  • Overview:

         This system utilizes barcode scanning andauto identification technology. Every material is given a unique code. All theraw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are automaticallyidentified, monitored and recorded. Errors are prevented, found and correctedin time. And the system can track the materials’ detailed information,including location, storage, process records, producer, quality tester,production date, etc. 

  • Details

         This system utilizes barcode scanning andauto identification technology. Every material is given a unique code. All theraw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are automaticallyidentified, monitored and recorded. Errors are prevented, found and correctedin time. And the system can track the materials’ detailed information,including location, storage, process records, producer, quality tester,production date, etc. The main function in automatic production is avoiding anymistakes in batching and feeding.

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